What is Invisalign?

Invisalign® is a clear alignment therapy option for a wide range of patients. As the treatment has improved, patients often wonder what Invisalign® can fix. With the convenience of an invisible, removable appliance, you can treat almost as many alignment issues as braces can.

What Issues Can Invisalign® Fix?

With proper use, Invisalign®  can treat common orthodontic issues with bite or spacing. The list of what Invisalign® can not fix is likely shorter than the list of what it can. There are six standard issues that orthodontists treat with Invisalign®.

1. Crowded Teeth

People with crowded teeth are at risk of tooth decay from hard-to-clean spots in their mouths. Invisalign® can fix mild and extreme cases of crowding. For more controlled alignment and guidance, you may need SmartForce® attachments.

2. Gaps

Spacing problems can lead to jaw issues or gum disease. Invisalign® can treat tooth gaps to get ahead of the problem. If you have a severe gap in your teeth, your orthodontist may present another option.

2. Overbite

Bite issues can create discomfort in your mouth and make certain parts of your jaw more susceptible to injury. Overbite is a common problem that creates a large gap between your top and bottom teeth. Invisalign® can fix overbite by adjusting your teeth so that only a small gap remains. For severe cases, your orthodontist may use SmartForce® attachments.

4. Underbite

An underbite is when your lower row of teeth hangs in front of the upper. Many patients choose Invisalign® to fix underbite to avoid speech or chewing issues. Using clear alignment therapy to correct your bite works best when your jaw is still developing as a child.

5. Crossbite

Crossbite happens when certain teeth overlap between the upper and lower rows. Both back and front crossbites can result from poor oral health, past injury or genetics. People may move their jaw unevenly with a crossbite, changing their facial structure and development.

Invisalign® can fix crossbite by moving upper teeth toward your lips and lower teeth toward your tongue. This movement creates a wider area for teeth to fit comfortably. Your orthodontist may recommend SmartForce® attachments to correct your spacing.

6. Open Bite

Open bite happens when your upper teeth don’t touch your lower teeth in the front of your mouth. Certain habits from childhood, like thumb sucking or using a pacifier for too long, can affect your mouth’s development and lead to an open bite.

Invisalign® can fix open bites with structural movement. Open bite treatment may require SmartForce® attachments for better reinforcement.

Contact Us to See if Invisalign® Can Help You

Over the years, orthodontists have significantly improved what Invisalign® can treat. Your orthodontic solution will always depend on your specific alignment issues and preference. If you think clear alignment therapy may be right for you, our team at Dental Choice can help you learn more.

At Dental Choice, we strive to create treatment plans that are right for you. When you schedule a consultation at one of our offices, we discuss your options with the hope that you feel confident about your treatment. Contact us online to request an appointment today.

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