Botox for Dentistry

Botox is a tool that’s often used for cosmetic purposes, such as smoothing wrinkles, but it can also be valuable for cosmetic and medical treatments in dentistry as well. Botox can treat various conditions, including pain caused by bruxism and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. Dentists can also use it to help people adjust to dentures or change a high lip line.

The minimally invasive treatment only takes a few minutes to administer. Understanding the benefits of Botox could give you a new alternative in your cosmetic dentistry treatment.

Cosmetic Dentistry Uses for Botox

Botox is a protein injection that relaxes the muscles and helps smooth the skin. Botox treatment isn’t permanent, so you have to get it done every six months or so to achieve any lasting changes. Cosmetic dentistry procedures with Botox treat facial imperfections that don’t impact the function of your mouth but do change the way you look. Such Botox methods are employed most often for:


  • Eliminating high lip lines by relaxing the lips to cover more of the gum.
  • Reshaping your smile, smoothing the skin around the mouth to give you a new look.
  • Reducing aging lines around the mouth

Medical Uses for Botox

Botox’s ability to relax muscles can assist with tightness and help reshape the mouth when necessary. It also offers a way to avoid surgical procedures, which can take a long time to recover from. Medical Botox generally is given in a higher dose than cosmetic Botox. It can be used to treat:


  • Chronic migraines.
  • TMJ disorder.
  • Bruxism, or teeth grinding.
  • Excessive sweating.


Dentists can also use Botox to help people adjust to new dentures. Dentures create a sudden change, and some people might experience discomfort with the new shape in their mouth. Botox relaxes the face and allows you to adjust more naturally around the new dentures or other orthodontic devices.

Botox Procedure: How Is Botox Administered?

To use Botox, the dentist injects it directly into a muscle. It blocks your nerves from sending signals, which encourages relaxation. It generally takes one to three days for the Botox to begin showing results in your body, and it can be up to two weeks before you experience the full benefits of an injection.

Botox can occasionally have mild side effects, such as pain or bruising at the injection site or achy muscles. They usually disappear within a week or two of treatment.

Botox Results

Botox can eliminate pains you have struggled to treat in other ways. TMJ disorder can be a particularly frustrating condition because it causes unpredictable pain and locking of the jaw. Similarly, you may struggle to find relief from other dental conditions such as teeth grinding or dentures pain. Botox can help resolve the pain for three to four months. To enjoy long-term success from Botox, you will need to have the procedure several times a year.

Are you interested in exploring how Botox could assist you with your dental issues? Schedule a free consultation at Dental Choice today to learn more.

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