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Who Can Use Invisalign®? Who Isn’t Eligible?

Invisalign® has become increasingly popular for its positive orthodontic effects. If you’ve seen what clear alignment therapy has done for your family or friends, you may want to try it for yourself. Read on to learn more about who is and is not eligible for Invisalign®.

DON’T Try These Viral Dental Hacks

As more users join social media and information-sharing sites like TikTok, it is easier to spread false medical advice. Recently, people have published self-declared “dental hacks” to perfect their teeth.

How Impacted Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Problems

The adult human mouth has 32 teeth, with the last teeth to emerge being four wisdom teeth at the very back of the upper and lower jaw, on either side. These molars usually appear in the mouth sometime between the ages of 17 and 25.

Why Do Dentists Wear Masks and Gloves?

If you’ve ever seen the dental safety equipment your dentist wears, you may have wondered, “Why do dentists wear gloves, gowns and masks?” The answer lies in a dentist’s commitment to keeping you safe by protecting your health. Dental protective gear also keeps dental health professionals safe as they diagnose you and offer treatment and cleanings.

The Facts About Dental X-Rays: Are They Safe?

When you visit a dentist’s office, your dentist may use several diagnostic tools to assess your oral health. Dental X-rays work because when X-rays pass through the mouth, bones and teeth absorb less of the rays, making them appear more visible on the X-ray image. X-ray images can help your dentist evaluate the condition of your teeth.

5 Allergies You Should Tell Your Dentist About

When you visit your dentist, you probably know to discuss your brushing routine, last appointment or flossing habits. It’s also essential to share relevant allergies with your dentist, just as you might share medical information with your primary care doctor.

Excessive Saliva During Pregnancy? Here’s What You Need to Know

When it comes to pregnancy, women can experience numerous symptoms, including nosebleeds, dizziness, mood swings and acne, among other ailments.

Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?

After a long, hot run or day on the beach, you want nothing more than an ice-cold drink. You pull a chilled bottle from the fridge, chug it down — and wince.
Certain foods and beverages can cause pain, and sometimes even a burst of cold air can make your mouth hurt. You might even find yourself avoiding drinks you enjoy, wondering, “Why are my teeth so sensitive?”
If you experience tooth twinges when enjoying cold beverages and sweet foods, you’re probably suffering from sensitive teeth pain. You don’t have to stop sipping your favorite milkshakes — there are other ways to care for your teeth to avoid sensitivity.
Here’s what you need to know about sensitive teeth causes and how to control them.

10 Back-to-School Dental Tips for Students

As summertime comes to a close, the back-to-school season is nearly upon us. The beginning of the school year is an excellent opportunity to evaluate your child’s current dental habits, establish a new routine and schedule regular dental check-ups throughout the school year to help prevent future dental issues. If you’re wondering how to keep your kid’s teeth healthy this school year, this guide has you covered.

All About Botox

Botox is a tool that’s often used for cosmetic purposes, such as smoothing wrinkles, but it can also be valuable for cosmetic and medical treatments in dentistry as well.

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